IR Sensor Tap

A 19th-century warehouse reopens as a mixed-use development, providing the up-and-coming Wapping neighbourhood with 1,800 new homes (including affordable artist housing), retail, office, restaurant and gallery space laced with historical legacy. The site marks the first stage of project rollout as part of the larger London Dock Master Plan by developers St George and Bow Arts Trust. The finished development will enrich the changing riverfront community, creating six acres of new public space from the previously privatised London Dock complex.
The adaptive reuse project, undertaken by JTP Architects (who also designed new offices in the space) celebrates the warehouse’s long history while bringing it into compliance with the aesthetic and usage standards of today. JTP’s approach achieved a VOC-free environment and earned a BREEAM “Very Good” rating for the project. The creativity necessary to repurpose the existing structure and the lofty sustainability goals for the space provided two rigorous tentpoles for the restroom design, which would need to uphold both across even its smallest details.
The washrooms retain the character of the public spaces with exposed brick walls and vaulted ceilings. The Splash Lab furnished three products all in brass: a wall-mounted sensor faucet, drain fittings, and a contemporary exposed bottle trap, that coordinate with the bold finishes and present a cohesive visual impression for users. The Splash Lab’s PVD finishes – more environmentally friendly than plating or powder coating – allow us to manufacture in stainless steel for the most durable, long-lasting products, and offer a variety of metal looks for flexible, holistically designed restrooms.